Poinsettia Care 101

Christmas,Flower,Poinsettia,With,Gift,Boxes,On,Light,TablePoinsettias are classic and stunning plants that add a festive touch to any home during the holiday season. With their vibrant red, pink, or white leaves, they have become a staple decoration for many households. To ensure that your poinsettias stay healthy and vibrant throughout the holiday season and beyond, it is crucial to understand the proper care they require. This blog post aims to provide detailed tips and tricks for maintaining poinsettias, covering essential topics such as watering, sunlight exposure, temperature requirements, and common pests to watch out for.

Watering Poinsettias:

Proper watering is key to maintaining healthy poinsettias. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause the leaves to wilt and drop prematurely. It is essential to strike the right balance. Check the soil regularly and water when it feels dry to the touch. Ensure that the plant is not sitting in standing water, as this can also lead to root rot. Remember that poinsettias don’t like to be constantly moist, so allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

Sunlight Exposure:

Poinsettias thrive in bright, indirect light. Place your poinsettia near a north or east-facing window to provide them with the optimal amount of light. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, as this can scorch their leaves. If you are unable to provide sufficient natural light, consider supplementing with artificial light. Ensure the plant receives at least six hours of light each day to maintain its vibrant colors.

Temperature Requirements:

Poinsettias prefer temperatures between 60-70°F (15-21°C). They are sensitive to extreme temperature changes, so keep them away from drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations. Cold drafts or hot air from heating vents can cause their leaves to wilt and drop. Additionally, avoid placing poinsettias near appliances that release heat, such as radiators or televisions as this can also affect their health.

Fertilizing Poinsettias:

During the holiday season, poinsettias generally do not require fertilization as they are in their dormant phase. However, if you wish to keep them for an extended period and encourage growth after the holidays, you can start fertilizing in early spring. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with equal nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for proper dosage and frequency. Over-fertilization can be harmful, so it is crucial to use an appropriate amount.

Common Pests to Watch Out For:

Poinsettias are generally resistant to pests, but they can occasionally encounter some unwanted visitors. The most common pests that may affect poinsettias include whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites. Regularly inspect your poinsettias for any signs of infestation, such as sticky leaves, white powdery residue, or tiny webbing. If you notice any pests, promptly isolate the affected plant and treat it accordingly. You can use insecticidal soap, neem oil, or other appropriate insecticides to eliminate the pests. Always follow the instructions on the product label and be sure to protect yourself from exposure.

Extending Poinsettia Blooming Period:

If you want to keep your poinsettias blooming beyond the holiday season, you can follow a few techniques. Starting from late September or early October, poinsettias require long periods of uninterrupted darkness for 12-14 hours a day to trigger blooming. Place the plant in a completely dark room or cover it with a box or black cloth every evening. Remove the covering the following morning and provide it with the necessary sunlight exposure.

Pruning Poinsettias:

Pruning poinsettias can help maintain a bushy and aesthetically pleasing shape. After the blooming period, typically around February or March, prune the plant by cutting the main stems back approximately 3-4 inches. This will promote new growth and allow the plant to maintain its shape. Additionally, remove any dead, damaged, or diseased leaves or branches throughout the year for optimum plant health.


Proper care is essential for maintaining vibrant and healthy poinsettias. By following these tips and tricks for watering, sunlight exposure, temperature requirements, and pest control, you can ensure the longevity and beauty of these iconic holiday plants. With a little extra care, your poinsettias can continue to brighten up your home long after the holiday season has passed.

Got Questions About Your Poinsettias? Let Us Help!

It’s Just for You Flower Delivery is your local, family-owned and -operated florist, serving Houston and the surrounding areas with quality, expert floral arrangements and bouquets. It’s Just for You Flower Delivery specializes in creating floral arrangements for all occasions, whether it be for a wedding, birthday, holiday, or just because. We also provide arrangements for corporate events, meetings, centerpieces, and more. Additionally, we carry a variety of other gift items, such as candles, antiques, collectibles, and lithographs. Contact us today Flower for all of your floral needs! And be sure to ask about our delivery options too!

Symbolism of Holiday Flowers: What Do They Mean

Colorful,Peony,,Roses,And,Other,Flowers,At,The,Entry,ToFlowers have been used since ancient times to convey heartfelt emotions, mark special occasions, and add beauty to our surroundings. During the holiday season, flowers hold even more significance as they carry symbolism that enhances the festive spirit. In this blog post, we will explore the meanings and symbolism behind popular holiday flowers like poinsettias, roses, and lilies, and understand how to use these symbols in our floral designs.

1. Poinsettias – The Epitome of Christmas

Poinsettias, with their vibrant red and green leaves, have become the epitome of Christmas. Native to Mexico, these stunning plants gained popularity during the holiday season due to their unique blooming pattern that coincided with Christmas celebrations. Poinsettias symbolize purity, hope, and good cheer, making them a perfect addition to holiday floral arrangements. Their fiery red color represents love, while the lush green foliage signifies renewal and rebirth. Combine poinsettias with evergreens or holly leaves to create stunning centerpieces that embody the spirit of Christmas.

2. Roses – Love and Joy during the Festive Season

Roses, often associated with love and romance, also hold special meaning during the holiday season. While red roses are commonly associated with Valentine’s Day, they can also be used to invoke feelings of love and joy during Christmas. Red roses symbolize passion and desire, making them an ideal choice for floral arrangements that celebrate deep connections and affection. Pair red roses with white, representing purity, to create a classic holiday bouquet that represents the joy of togetherness and the love shared with family and friends.

3. Lilies – A Symbol of Hope and Rebirth

Lilies, with their delicate petals and sweet fragrance, are often featured in holiday floral arrangements. Symbolizing hope and rebirth, lilies bring a touch of elegance and purity to any design. Their pure white color represents innocence and new beginnings, making them a popular choice for religious ceremonies and holiday celebrations. Lilies can be used as standalone arrangements or combined with other flowers to create stunning holiday bouquets that invoke a sense of peace and serenity.

4. Understanding the Language of Floral Design

To incorporate the symbolism of holiday flowers into your floral designs, it is essential to understand the language of floral design. Each flower has unique meanings and characteristics, and when combined strategically, they can create a significant impact.

Consider using holly leaves alongside poinsettias or roses to represent hope and resilience. The sharp-edged leaves of holly symbolize protection and defense, which can be a comforting symbol during the festive season. Additionally, combining evergreens like pine, fir or cedar with poinsettias or lilies can represent eternal life and endurance.

To create a harmonious composition, think about the color palette. Red, green, and white are traditional holiday colors that hold specific meanings. Red represents love and passion, green signifies renewal and life, and white symbolizes purity and innocence. By incorporating these colors into your designs, you can evoke emotions and capture the essence of the holiday season.

5. Meaningful Floral Gift Ideas

When looking for meaningful gift ideas during the holidays, consider the symbolism behind the flowers you choose. A bouquet of poinsettias can convey a message of hope and good cheer, while a bouquet of roses represents love and joy. For a heartfelt gift, a bouquet of lilies can symbolize a fresh start and wishes for a peaceful holiday season.

Furthermore, you can get creative by incorporating these flowers into wreaths, table centerpieces, or even indoor decorations. Consider using poinsettias as a focal point in your holiday decorations, or incorporate roses and lilies into garlands or ornate candle arrangements.


Understanding the symbolism behind holiday flowers can elevate your floral arrangements, offering a deeper meaning that compliments the festive season. Whether you choose poinsettias for their association with Christmas, roses for love and joy, or lilies for hope and rebirth, these flowers can enhance the beauty and emotional impact of your holiday designs. So, let the language of flowers speak for you this holiday season, spreading messages of love, hope, and joy through the artistry of floral design.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

It’s Just for You Flower Delivery is your local, family-owned and -operated florist, serving Houston and the surrounding areas with quality, expert floral arrangements and bouquets. It’s Just for You Flower Delivery specializes in creating floral arrangements for all occasions, whether it be for a wedding, birthday, holiday, or just because. We also provide arrangements for corporate events, meetings, centerpieces, and more. Additionally, we carry a variety of other gift items, such as candles, antiques, collectibles, and lithographs. Contact us today Flower for all of your floral needs! And be sure to ask about our delivery options too!

Fruit Basket Etiquette

Basket,Of,Fresh,Organic,Fruits,In,The,GardenWhen it comes to gift-giving, few gestures are as versatile and heartfelt as a fruit basket. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion, expressing gratitude, or simply wishing someone well, a well-curated fruit basket can leave a lasting impression. However, like any gift, there are certain rules of etiquette to follow when giving and receiving fruit baskets. In this blog post, we will explore the Dos and Don’ts of fruit basket etiquette, discuss suitable occasions for their presentation, and offer insights on what to include to ensure a truly thoughtful gift.

1. Suitable Occasions for Fruit Baskets

While fruit baskets can be given at any time throughout the year, there are certain occasions where they are particularly fitting. Celebratory events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and housewarmings are ideal opportunities to present a fruit basket. Additionally, during times of illness or recovery, a fresh and nutritious fruit arrangement can provide comfort and support. Gratitude can be expressed through the gifting of fruit baskets, such as to thank a host for their hospitality or to show appreciation to a colleague or employee.

2. The Art of Presentation

A well-presented fruit basket can make all the difference in conveying its warmth and thoughtfulness. When presenting a fruit basket, consider the following tips:

Timing: Ideally, fruit baskets should be delivered or presented in person whenever possible. Aim for a time when the recipient can fully appreciate the gift, such as during a gathering or when the recipient is not overwhelmed with other tasks.

Personal Touch: Accompany the fruit basket with a heartfelt note or card expressing your sentiments. A personal touch goes a long way in showing the recipient that you genuinely care.

Wrapping: If you choose to wrap the fruit basket, opt for natural materials such as burlap, raffia, or tissue paper. Keep the wrapping minimalistic to let the beauty of the fruits shine through.

3. Selecting the Perfect Contents

The contents of a fruit basket play a significant role in its overall appeal. Consider the recipient’s preferences and the occasion in order to curate a thoughtful selection. Here are a few ideas to inspire you:

Variety: Include a diverse array of fruits to cater to different tastes and dietary preferences. Combine classics like apples, oranges, and bananas with more exotic choices like mangoes or pomegranates.

Seasonal Delights: Embrace the beauty of each season by incorporating fruits that are at their ripest and most flavorful. For example, summer baskets might feature juicy peaches and watermelons, while winter baskets could highlight citrus fruits like clementines and grapefruits.

Stylish Extras: Consider adding unique touches to make your fruit basket stand out. Delicate boxes of gourmet chocolates, a bottle of sparkling cider, or artisanal preserves can enhance the experience.

Allergies and Preferences: Show consideration for dietary restrictions or personal preferences, including allergies or dietary choices like veganism. A carefully chosen selection will make the recipient feel seen and appreciated.


Fruit baskets are a thoughtful and versatile gift that can suit a variety of occasions. By following proper etiquette and considering the recipient’s preferences, you can express your sentiments and bring joy to their lives. Remember, a well-curated and beautifully presented fruit basket can go a long way in making a lasting impression. So the next time you find yourself pondering over the perfect gift, consider the timeless elegance and healthful benefits of a fruit basket.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

It’s Just for You Flower Delivery is your local, family-owned and -operated florist, serving Houston and the surrounding areas with quality, expert floral arrangements and bouquets. It’s Just for You Flower Delivery specializes in creating floral arrangements for all occasions, whether it be for a wedding, birthday, holiday, or just because. We also provide arrangements for corporate events, meetings, centerpieces, and more. Additionally, we carry a variety of other gift items, such as candles, antiques, collectibles, and lithographs. Contact us today Flower for all of your floral needs! And be sure to ask about our delivery options too!

Holiday Flower Etiquette: Gifting and Display Tips

Stylish,Table,Setting,With,Beautiful,Peony,In,Dining,Room,,CloseupThe holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, and one popular way to spread cheer is by gifting flowers. Whether you are giving flowers as a gesture of gratitude, love, or simply to brighten someone’s day, it is essential to follow proper flower etiquette. In this blog post, we will explore gifting and display tips to ensure that your holiday flower arrangements are received with appreciation and displayed beautifully.

Gifting Tips

1. Consider the Recipient’s Preferences

When selecting flowers as a gift, take into consideration the recipient’s preferences. Consider their favorite colors, types of flowers, and any allergies they may have. This thoughtful gesture demonstrates that you have put effort into selecting a gift tailored to their taste and well-being.

2. Choose Appropriate Arrangements

Different flower arrangements are suitable for various occasions and relationships. For formal occasions or professional relationships, opt for elegant and simple arrangements like a classic bouquet of roses. For close friends or family, you can choose more vibrant and unique arrangements, such as mixed bouquets or seasonal flower arrangements. Tailoring the arrangement to the occasion and the relationship adds a personal touch to your gift.

3. Include a Personalized Message

Accompany your gift with a personalized message to express your sentiments. A handwritten note adds a heartfelt touch to the flowers and shows the recipient that you have taken the time to convey your feelings. Whether it’s a simple “Happy Holidays” or a more personal message, the gesture will be appreciated.

Display Tips

1. Select a Suitable Vase

Choosing the right vase for your flower arrangement is crucial. Consider the size and shape of the arrangement, ensuring that the vase provides proper support and allows the flowers to spread naturally. Clear glass vases are versatile and complement any arrangement, while colored or patterned vases can add an extra element of style.

2. Trim and Arrange the Flowers Properly

Before placing the flowers in the vase, trim the stems at an angle to ensure better water absorption. Remove any leaves or thorns that will be submerged in the water, as they can promote bacterial growth. Arrange the flowers evenly, ensuring that they have enough space to bloom fully. If using different types of flowers, arrange them by height, with the tallest flowers in the center and the shorter ones around the edges.

3. Provide Adequate Care and Maintenance

To keep your holiday flowers looking fresh and vibrant, it is crucial to provide proper care and maintenance. Ensure that the water in the vase is changed every two to three days, and add flower food to extend their lifespan. Keep the flowers away from direct sunlight, drafts, and sources of heat, as these can accelerate wilting. Regularly remove any wilted or dead flowers to maintain the overall appearance of the arrangement.

Etiquette Tips

1. Timing of Delivery

Timing is critical when it comes to delivering holiday flowers. If you are sending flowers to someone’s home, consider the recipient’s schedule to ensure they will be available to accept the delivery. Avoid sending flowers too early or too late, as they might not be able to enjoy them fully. When giving flowers in person, present them at the appropriate time, such as upon arrival or before departing from a holiday gathering.

2. Consider Cultural and Religious Sensitivities

Be aware of any cultural or religious sensitivities when gifting holiday flowers. Some cultures or religions may have specific flower preferences or beliefs, so it is essential to respect and adhere to these customs. Taking the time to understand and respect these sensitivities shows thoughtfulness and consideration.

3. Graciously Accept and Express Gratitude

If you receive holiday flowers, be sure to graciously accept them and express your gratitude. Immediately place the flowers in water and follow the care instructions provided. Consider sending a thank-you note or expressing your appreciation to the sender personally. Sharing your joy and appreciation for the thoughtful gift is an important part of flower etiquette.


By following proper flower etiquette, you can ensure that your holiday flower arrangements are not only beautiful but also well-received and appreciated. We have explored tips for gifting flowers, displaying them elegantly, and adhering to etiquette guidelines. By tailoring the gift to the recipient’s preferences, displaying flowers in suitable arrangements, and being mindful of cultural and religious sensitivities, you can make the holiday season even more joyful and memorable with the gift of flowers.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

It’s Just for You Flower Delivery is your local, family-owned and -operated florist, serving Houston and the surrounding areas with quality, expert floral arrangements and bouquets. It’s Just for You Flower Delivery specializes in creating floral arrangements for all occasions, whether it be for a wedding, birthday, holiday, or just because. We also provide arrangements for corporate events, meetings, centerpieces, and more. Additionally, we carry a variety of other gift items, such as candles, antiques, collectibles, and lithographs. Contact us today Flower for all of your floral needs! And be sure to ask about our delivery options too!

DIY Holiday Floral Crafts for Kids and Adults

The holiday season is the perfect time to embrace creativity and spend quality time with loved ones. One activity that combines both is crafting with flowers. FSmiling,Woman,With,Autumn,Wreath,Shows,Ok.,Happy,Girl,Inrom beautiful centerpieces to wreaths and garlands, incorporating floral elements into your holiday decorations adds a touch of elegance and a natural charm. In this blog post, we will explore some delightful DIY holiday floral crafts that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults.

1. Festive Floral Wreaths:

A floral wreath is a classic holiday decoration that can be customized to suit your style and preferences. Start by selecting a wreath base made of wire or foam. Collect a variety of colorful winter flowers and greenery, such as holly, pine, and poinsettias. Use floral wire or hot glue to attach the flowers and greenery to the wreath base. Add festive accents like bows, ornaments, or pinecones for an extra touch of holiday cheer. Hang your unique creation on your front door or above the fireplace, and let the festive spirit shine!

2. Mini Evergreen Tabletop Trees:

Create a stunning festive display using miniature evergreen trees and a variety of fresh flowers. Purchase small potted evergreen trees from a local nursery or garden center. Pick flowers in holiday colors, such as red roses or white lilies. Cut the stems short and insert them into the soil around the base of the tree, resembling a mini garden. Add some glittery ornaments or mini holiday lights for an enchanting touch. These tabletop trees make beautiful centerpieces or additions to your holiday décor.

3. Handmade Floral Ornaments:

Gather some clear glass or plastic ornaments, which can be found at craft stores. Take dried flowers, petals, or small accents like preserved berries, and gently insert them into the ornament using tweezers or a small funnel. You can also add a few drops of essential oil for a fragrant touch. Secure the top of the ornament and tie a ribbon or string for hanging. These one-of-a-kind floral ornaments will add a personal and natural element to your Christmas tree.

4. Stunning Floral Centerpieces:

Impress your guests with a breathtaking floral centerpiece for your holiday table. Use a vase or container of your choice and fill it with water. Gather an array of fresh flowers, such as roses, carnations, and lilies, in festive tones. Trim the stems and arrange them in a balanced and aesthetically pleasing manner. To add a sparkly touch, sprinkle some glitter or place small holiday ornaments around the base of the flowers. This centerpiece will undoubtedly be the highlight of your holiday table.

5. Fragrant Pomander Balls:

Pomander balls are not only visually appealing but also offer a delightful fragrance. Take an orange or apple and insert cloves into the surface in various decorative patterns. Once the fruit is covered in cloves, roll it in a mixture of ground cinnamon and dry spices for an aromatic effect. Tie a festive ribbon around the fruit and hang it in your living room or entranceway. The citrusy scent will fill your home with holiday cheer.

6. Creative Floral Gift Toppers:

Add a personal touch to your holiday gifts by creating unique floral gift toppers. Select small blooms, such as rosebuds or miniature poinsettias, and attach them to a small craft wire or pipe cleaner. Twist the wire around the gift ribbon or tie it directly onto the gift box. This simple yet elegant addition will make your gifts stand out under the tree.


This holiday season, unleash your creativity and embrace the beauty of flowers with these delightful DIY floral crafts. Whether you’re crafting wreaths, creating tabletop trees, making ornaments, designing centerpieces, crafting pomander balls, or adding floral gift toppers, these projects are fun for both kids and adults. Allow these floral decorations to bring natural beauty, fragrance, and a touch of personal charm to your holiday celebrations. Start crafting and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

It’s Just for You Flower Delivery is your local, family-owned and -operated florist, serving Houston and the surrounding areas with quality, expert floral arrangements and bouquets. It’s Just for You Flower Delivery specializes in creating floral arrangements for all occasions, whether it be for a wedding, birthday, holiday, or just because. We also provide arrangements for corporate events, meetings, centerpieces, and more. Additionally, we carry a variety of other gift items, such as candles, antiques, collectibles, and lithographs. Contact us today Flower for all of your floral needs! And be sure to ask about our delivery options too!